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Young Dietitian

Dietitians are qualified to use the science behind nutrition to assess, nutritionally diagnose, improve health, and treat diseases or health conditions. They can work with both healthy and unwell patients, advising and helping people maintain or improve their nutrition while managing their condition or symptoms. They use evidence and the latest research to inform their advice.



A dietitian will tailor a program specifically for you – whether that means weight management to reach a healthy BMI, reduce insulin resistance, balance hormones, support egg and sperm health, regulate cycles, manage polycystic ovarian syndrome, healthy pregnancy, manage symptoms of the menopause or work on more in-depth conditions such as IBS, Crohn’s, or Hypothyroidism.


Eslem covers a range of areas including; PCOS, endometriosis, hormonal health, fertility nutrition, pregnancy nutrition, post pregnancy, gut health and weight management.



If you have not seen a Dietitian before or are uncertain of how she can help you then you'll probably want to have a FREE 15-mins Discovery call before booking anything.  On the Free call we will discuss your needs and work out which package would be more appropriate to help achieve your health goals.

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